Stonegate home gets painted kitchen cabinets done correctly.
More Photos of the painted cabinets below.
Stonegate Neighborhood Home Updated with Painted Cabinets. Falcon built, Victoria Model.
We have all seen them. The dreaded orange kitchen cabinets. (Pictured below) My wife and I call them orange but the builder called them “natural” when they sold them to all of us. I guess in the mid 1990’s there wasn’t a staining technique that allowed for a neutral color stain to stay neutral on oak kitchen cabinets and floors. Over time they all turn a very ugly color of orange especially if exposed to direct sunlight.
The typical scenario of kitchen cabinets being painted.
I’ve had more people than I can count say they painted their cabinets and that I needed to come see them because it looks awesome. Typically as soon as I walk in the door I can instantly see what happen. They dropped the kids at school, called over their girl friends and after a Starbucks and a round of gossip they all started painting…with brushes. There are only a very few pro painters I know personally that can paint a cabinet with a brush and make it look good. From a distance the job they did was nice but up close the bad brush strokes and missed or forgotten interior is exposed. Ouch. It looks horrendous.
So what do you do?
Call a pro. Like I mentioned above there are only a few pro painters good enough to do this with a brush and most of the ones that can do it advise against it. The best way that I have seen is to have is sprayed. No don’t ask hubby to go rent a sprayer at Home Depot or Lowes. Hire a pro painter that has done kitchen cabinets and preferably a pro painter with references and cabinets that you can go see with your own eyes.
Most of the painters I’ve talked with that can do this and have done it will spray the inside of the cabinets too. This looks best in my opinion. When you open a freshly painted cabinet and the inside is a totally different color it just ruins the effect.
Tips for getting your kitchen cabinets painted.
- Call a pro painter or at least someone with references that has done it before.
- Buy some nice trim molding for the tops of the cabinets since you are going to all this trouble and have the painter cut, install and paint it too.
- Don’t pick a wild color. No buyer is ever going to want to see blue or red cabinets in your house.
- Have them sprayed unless you are going for some old world kitchen look. The old world kitchen look really can only be pulled off properly in larger homes with huge kitchens and several different counter top textures. At least that is my opinion.
- These cabinets were completely painted properly for under $1000.
- Kitchen Cabinets
- Stonegate Neighborhood
- Kitchen Cabinets Painted
- Updated Kitchen in Stonegate
- Painted Cabinets
- Faded Orange Oak Cabinets
- Painted Kitchen Cabinets