Be a VOYEUR! See what is happening in your Parker CO neighborhood.
Here is an excellent way to monitor ACTIVE and SOLD homes in very specific areas and neighborhoods. The Market Snapshot. This report is easily setup by me or by you that automatically emails you monthly or bi-monthly all the homes sold and active in a specific area or neighborhood.
(Sample Report Here)
As a Buyer: You can track a neighborhood that you want to move into and see exactly what is active and sold in that neighborhood.
As a Seller: Be a voyeur and see what your neighbor’s house really sold for or watch the market if you are contemplating selling in the near future.
Not only does it show you very detailed real estate stats it will also give you detailed map information about:
- Schools and locations
- Shopping
- Fire Protection
- Police
- Bars and Restaurants
- Recreation Locations (Parks)
- Houses of Worship
If you are interested in the Free service go ahead and use the link above to set it up or shoot me an email and I will set it up for you.
Yours truly,