Pinery Glen Average Sale Price up 70% from 2009
The Pinery Glen is sometimes called Pinery Southwest. The name on the sign at the neighborhood is Pinery Glen and the name on the legal description says Pinery Southwest. Most people call is Pinery Glen.
Pinery Glen AKA Pinery Southwest Home Values Up 6% for 2018
Pinery Glen homeowners saw 6% price appreciation in 2018. This is an excellent return on your money if you invested in property in the Pinery Glen during the market crash.
It’s true. The average price of a home in Pinery Glen during 2009 was $234,142 and for 2018 the average sale price was $398,189. That’s a 70% gain.
If you purchased a home in the Pinery Glen in 2009 you must feel like a genius in 2018 but it might be time to cash in your equity and move up.
Parker, CO Realtor Steven Beam
Home sales data for 2018
- Number of homes closed 49 which is down from 59 in 2017
- Average days on market for Pinery Glen = 13
- The average sale price was $398,189
- Highest sale price $440,000
- Lowest sale price $350,000
- Average price per square foot in Pinery Glen $164.72
- The average total sqft is 2,476
What makes this neighborhood so popular?
The Pinery Glen neighborhood is 5.5 miles south of Mainstreet in downtown Parker, Colorado.
HOA fees are low at $60 per month which gets homeowners access to a community pool, playgrounds and wide open grassy parks. You also have direct access to the Cherry Creek trail. Spur trails within the neighborhood connect directly to the Cherry Creek Trail.
Future development in the new section of the Pinery Glen just north of the existing neighborhood will surely help home prices for current homeowners.
Accessibility will also be helped when Chambers Road connects all the way from Hess down through Pradera to Bayou Gulch. I’ve heard this will happen in the next few years. Who knows…I do know it will only help with the accessibility for Pinery glen residents thus raising home values.
Steven Beam Parker Colorado Realtor 303-941-4663