Eastridge in Highlands Ranch Real Estate Report 2014
The average sale price in the Eastridge in Highlands Ranch, Colorado is $364,425.
Eastridge is popular with homebuyers for two basic reasons:
Why is it called Eastridge? The all encompassing neighborhood of Highlands Ranch was developed on a series of ridges. Within Highlands Ranch there is Eastridge, Southridge, Westridge and Northridge. There are many smaller enclave neighborhoods within Highlands Ranch with their own names but these are the four main areas of the Highlands Ranch neighborhood system.
Location is the number one reason. Located just south of C-470 and just east of I-25 allow you quick access to two major roads from the Eastridge neighborhood.
Eastridge is affordable for most families looking to move into Highlands Ranch. With an average sale price for 2014 at $364,425 for a single family home it’s very affordable for most families.
Don’t forget the new light rail station in Lone Tree, CO is also right out your door when you live in Eastridge. Park Meadows Mall is right up Yosemite or Quebec too so you have direct access to more shopping than most people can handle.
Steven Beam is a Douglas County, Colorado Realtor with 15 years experience selling in Douglas County and Highlands Ranch. 303-941-4663
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Sales numbers for Eastridge for 2014.
- Total number of homes sold in Eastridge in Highlands Ranch for 2014 = 67
- Averages days on market in Eastridge = 20
- Average sales price $364,425
- Highest sales price in Eastridge for 2014 was $701,000
- Lowest sales price for 2014 was $249,000
- Average age of homes sold was 1995
- Homes sold for 98.88% of asking price.
- Average asking price $366,239
- Average price per square foot above ground $190.73
- Average price per square foot (total sqft) $133.04
- Average total sqft of the homes that sold in Eastridge was 2,839
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Highlands Ranch 80130 Zip Code Real Estate Report