Ranch Style Homes Pradera Versus The Timbers
What are the differences in price when comparing ranch style homes in Pradera and The Timbers?
Why are ranch style homes becoming so popular? With the aging population empty nesters are flocking to ranch style main floor living homes. Ranch style homes are homes that offer 100% main floor living. The kitchen and master bedrooms are all on the main level so you do not have to use stairs to live in the home. Most have large basements with extra bedrooms for guests. Outdoor living spaces are usually a key component when buyers size up different ranch style homes.
Below you can see the sales numbers and all the homes for sale in both the Timbers and Pradera.
The neighborhoods of Pradera and The Timbers are often compared by home buyers when considering making a home purchase in Parker, CO. Pradera and The Timbers are both considered to be higher end neighborhoods. Both neighborhoods have private golf courses and clubhouses and it’s common for homeowners to belong to both clubs since both golf courses are owned by the same company.
Differences in the two neighborhoods are what sometimes creates a dilemma for many home buyers considering the two neighborhoods.
The Timbers is a 100% custom home neighborhood. Many homes have views of the Rocky Mountains and have wooded lots filled with Ponderosa Pines.
Pradera is a mix of custom homes and track built homes. Most homes have views of the golf course and rolling hills but none have views of the Rocky Mountains. The lots are more open and consist of a prairie feeling.
It’s totally personal preference when making that buying decision. As far as location both Pradera and The Timbers are located about the same distance from the Town of Parker and about the same distance to all major roads. The comments are the same from residence of both neighborhoods., “It feels like you are on vacation when you pull into the Timbers and Pradera. It gives you a sense of relaxation.”
Both The Timbers and Pradera have plenty of vacant lots and neigher neighborhood is near full build out. There are plenty of options if you are considering building your own custom home. Call me if you would like a tour. 303-941-4663 – Steven Beam
Side note: Right now I believe they are still offering a special to join both clubs The Pinery and Pradera Golf Club)at the same time. Contact the membership director to see about rates.
Find out what your home is worth in The Timbers or Pradera. It only takes a few seconds to fill out the form.
Here are the numbers for sold Ranch Style homes in Pradera and The Timbers for all of 2014. January to September 2014.
Pradera Ranch Style homes sold in 2014.
- Total number sold 20
- Average price per sqft above ground $272.68
- Average price per total sqft $137.90
- Average sales price for a ranch in Pradera $779,055
- Highest sales price $1,293,302
- Lowest sale price for a ranch in Pradera $465,000 (non-custom – Continental home)
- Average total sqft 5,674
- Average above grade sqft 2,877
- Average days on market 57
The Timbers Ranch home sales for 2014.
- Total number sold 7
- Average price per sqft above ground $299.14
- Average price per total sqft $150.60
- Average sales price for a ranch in The Timbers $734,829
- Highest sales price $930,000
- Lowest sale price for a ranch in The Timbers$608,800
- Average total sqft 4,853
- Average above grade sqft 2,443
- Average days on market 82
If you are considering buying or selling in Pradera or The Timbers give me a call and I will be happy to take you on a tour of homes for sale or run the numbers and tell you what your property will sell for. I know the numbers well for both neighborhoods. 303-941-4663.
Steven Beam is a Parker, Colorado Realtor that lives in The Timbers.