The Most Affordable Neighborhood in Parker CO is Clarke Farms
Clarke Farms might be the most affordable neighborhood in Parker, CO.
The Clarke Farms neighborhood has a lot going for it. Having an ideal location in Parker Colorado is a huge draw. Located just south of Lincoln Ave and Jordan Road and partially split by Mainstreet in Parker you have direct access to every major road access. Shopping, dining, E-470, I-25 and Parker Road are all within minutes of the main neighborhood entrance.
If you need amenities well Clarke Farms also has great amenities. Clarke Farms has a neighborhood pool area that is easily accessed by the walking and biking paths throughout the neighborhood. The walking and biking paths within the neighborhood also give you direct access to the main Cherry Creek Bike Path. The Cherry Creek Bike Path runs North all the way into downtown Denver and South all the way to Castlewood Canyon State Park.
Do you need top schools for your kids? Clarke Farms has Cherokee Trail Elementary School right in the middle of the neighborhood. Kids can walk or ride bikes to school with no problem.
Find out what your home is worth in Clarke Farms.
Also read the first quarter of 2014 real estate market report for Clark Farms.
Here are the numbers for the past 6 months of home sales in Clarke Farms. The numbers don’t lie. With an average sales price just over $300,000 Clarke Farms is one of the most affordable neighborhoods in Parker, CO. I know there are other neighborhoods in Parker that have a lower average sales price but they don;lt also have the location and amenities of Clarke Farms.
- Number of homes sold and closed in Clarke Farms for the past 6 months = 63
- Average sales price in Clarke Farms = $312,280.
- Average days on market in Clarke Farms = 13.
- Average $per sqft above ground $155.08.
- Average price per sqft total sqft = $110.48.
- Highest sales price in Clarke Farms $539,000.
- Lowest sales price in Clarke Farms $ 216,000.
- Average year built on the homes in Clarke Farms is 1993.
- Newest home sold was built in 2010 and the oldest home sold was built in 1983.
- Average total sqft of the homes sold in Clarke Farms is 2,963.
Steven Beam is a Realtor that lives and works in Parker, CO. I know the Clarke Farms neighborhood. 303-941-4663