Elbert County Colorado Real Estate Market Improving
Elbert County Colorado Real Estate
Elbert County Colorado real estate market report November 2012.
Elbert County includes Elizabeth, Colorado and Kiowa Colorado. Over the past few years this area has had a slow go in the real estate market with slow home sales and depressed prices.
Elizabeth, Colorado New Listings.
Elbert County Colorado’s average sales price in 2011 was = $302,157 and in 2012 = $304,366 and increase of only .7%.
The Median sold price was down -16.3% comparing October 2011 to October 2012.
“Comparing October 2011 to October 2012 in Elbert County Colorado there has been a 60.7% increase in sold listings. “
Find out what your Elizabeth, Colorado home is worth here.
The Elbert County Colorado Real Estate market is improving. I think 2013 will show even more improvement as prices will start to move forward.
New listings for October were up 8.5% from October 2011 and the average days on market for Elbert County Colorado was down 16.7% from 147 days on market in October 2011 to 122 days on market in October 2012.
The increase in sold listings up over 60% is a huge step in the right direction for Elbert County Colorado. Elizabeth and Kiowa both are starting to see more traffic as far as showings and more activity can only mean one thing. Prices will start to rise as a result of the renewed interest.
Year to date in Elbert County there are 7.8$ fewer new listings on the market so supply is down and demand is up.
See every home for sale by price range in Elizabeth, Colorado.