Furnace Cleaning a Smart Move for Winter
Winter is here for Parker Colorado. It’s time to Clean and Service your furnace.
I had to turn on the furnace yesterday for the first time this winter. We are headed quickly into winter and the time has come to get our furnace checked out and cleaned.
Our kids spend a lot of time in the basement during the winter months so I always feel a lot safer if I have the furnace checked for carbon monoxide and gas leaks.
Most lcal HVAC companies can come out and check out your furnace for around $200. I think it’s a small price to pay for a clean running furnace and peace of mind knowing I don’t have any leaks.
A proper furnace cleaning will involve having a technician almost completely disassemble the furnace and check all the parts for wear. A good licensed HVAC technician will also have the instruments to test for gas leaks and carbon monoxide leaks and make repairs as need.
Having a good clean furnace will also save you money each month in operating expenses and give you peace of mind.